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Bandits hold Moorefield citizens captive in attempted robbery

Police officials and Bank authorities arrive at the Moorefield Deposit Bank shortly after the bandits fled from the scene. The house to the left of the bank was the home of the elderly McQuithy couple that were held captive during the attempted robbery.

Moorefield, Ky.

Nov. 23, 1932

Four bandits who held seven persons captive for seven hours were thwarted by a time-lock in their attempt to rob the Moorefield Deposit Bank and escaped in an automobile

The robbers gained entrance to the home of the bank cashier, J. H. Wilson, 49 years old, by a ruse last night.

When Mrs. Sudie Wilson, 45, the cashier’s wife, opened the door in response to a knock, two of the robbers threatened her with pistols and walked inside. Both were masked.

Mrs. Wilson and her eight-year-old daughter Joan were held captive by the pair while a third robber stood on guard outside.

When Mr. Wilson returned home an hour later, he also was held captive, as were two of his daughters, Catherine, 19 and Caroline, 15, when they reached the house two hours after the robbers entered. Wilson was tied to a chair.

After being guarded by the robbers until 1:30 a.m., the Wilson’s were marched to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McQuithy, an aged couple living next door to the bank.

The McQuithy’ s previously had been held captive in their home by another member of the bandit gang. All but Wilson were tied to their chairs in the McQuithy home and Wilson was forced to go to the bank and open the door.

Wilson convinced the robbers they could not gain entrance to the banks vault, which contained approximately $1200 until the time-lock was automatically released at 8.30 a.m.

He then was returned to the McQuithy home and tied to a chair and the bandits drove away.

An hour and a half after the robbers left, the victims freed themselves and called authorities.

The Kentucky Bankers Association, through its reward department, offered a reward of $750 for the arrest and conviction of each robber.

Dec. 1932

Three of the bank bandits were arrested and tried in a Georgetown Ky Court, in connection with the bank robbery in Stamping Ground.

One admitted having participated after being told three others had confessed

One of the robbers was reported to have confessed to Chief Thompson and Chicago officers that he and the men under arrest were members of the gang that attempted to rob a bank at Moorefield following the Stamping Ground robbery.

Jan. 1933

Bank officials identify five as taking part in bank robberies two confessed one denies knowledge of robbery

Moorefield citizens positively identified the bandits who took part in the attempted robbery of the Moorefield Deposit Bank in November.

The last man arrested pleaded not guilty at his trial.

The above news articles ran in newspapers in various cities in Kentucky, Chicago and St. Louis and were provided by the Associated Press Wire Service.

The names of those involved in the robberies were omitted in this version of the story in respect for living relatives.

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