I am not dead yet
Written in 1994 while I was on an Army field deployment, this Poe influenced short story chronicles a man returning from travels in the...
Retired Teachers Week Oct. 16-22
Mayor Gary Hunt and County Judge Executive Bobby Rogers signed a proclamation with president Tate Adams, treasurer Arnold Stacy and...

Interact Club members build future leadership skills
Halley Eldridge, Sarah Beth Lane, Shelby Farrow, Megan Poe, Dawson Walden, Randie Mitchell, Reganne Miller, Kaitlyn Shannon, Paul Gossar...

Best New Business of 2016
Fleming County Chamber of Commerce directors for the upcoming 2017-2019 term are, from left: Adam Donovan (Peoples Bank), Barb Faris...

Fiscal Court discusses possible opportunity for Bath County
The Bath County Fiscal Court met in regular session last Thursday, Oct. 13, at the Bath County Courthouse Annex. Roll call followed the...

Court Day: Kentucky’s oldest festival
Thousands of people from across the country return to Preston and Mt. Sterling for the annual court day festivities. Above, Preston Court...

When witches were burned in Fleming County
In his book “To Shoot, Burn and Hang”: Folk-History from a Kentucky Mountain Family and Community, Daniel N. Roth tells about a witch...

Legend of Kentucky's Sleepy Hollow
On the eastern edge of the border between Jefferson and Oldham Counties, lies a stretch of curvy- highway that is said to be such a dark...
NCHS Marching Band rates proficient at Madison Central
This past Saturday, Oct. 8, the students of the Nicholas County High School Marching Band traveled to Madison Central High School in...

2016 Bath County Homecoming Queen
Bath County 2016 Homecoming queen and her court include Janalea Michael Corum, winner of the Jodie Ratliff Cooperation Award, Lyvia...