Nicholas County FFA members to compete nationally
Logan Bechanan will represent the Nicholas County chapter. A local FFA chapter was recently selected to compete for national recognition...

Hunt signs Proclamation
Mayor Gary Hunt recently spoke to Reed Fields ninth grade social studies classes at Bath County High School. This was part of City...

Bath County Homecoming Festival
Join in the festivities during the Bath County Homecoming Festival. Festivities will start at 4 p.m. with the Cruise-In, Inflatables,...

Nicholas FFA members finalist at Agriscience Fair
Kamilya Applegate and Brianna “Bre” Hutchison More than 20 agricultural teachers, state leaders and college professors from throughout...

Friday 13th strikes bad luck for Mason County’s first courthouse
This week’s historical sketch takes us to Mason County and the village of Washington. Washington was first laid out in 1785 by Arthur...

Remembering the town of Yale
If you were born after the 1970s you may not not know that below the waters of Cave Run Lake, there was once a thriving little community....

Tracking the memories of a Yale Railroad Man
With his gasoline lantern in hand, Bud Hunt stands along the railroad tracks in front of his home just east of Salt Lick, in Midland, Ky...

Old land deed reveals forgotten bit of history
A forgotten bit of history came to light when a Mt. Sterling land owner decided to trace his property deed as far back as he could. In...

Highley’s Country Kitchen opens in Flemingsburg
Pictured from left, are: Claudia Clark, Chamber Director; Kim Hester, Chamber Director; Carol Hall, cook; Kelli Copher, waitress; Tony...

Life-size buffalo sculpture display in Limestone Park
Sam McKinney created the two life-sized bronze sculptures, a female buffalo cow, and her calf. They are in the right hand corner of...