Nicholas County FFA places among top 16 in the Nation

The 90th National FFA Convention was held in Indianapolis Ind., Oct. 24-28. This year the convention had over 67,000 registered members, advisors, and guests in attendance. This is the largest youth convention held in the United States. Nicholas County traveled with 40 students ranging from 8th grade to 12th grade.
During National Convention, Nicholas County had a student represent the state of Kentucky in the Prepared Public Speaking Leadership development event. Logan Bechanan was the first national speaking competitor that Nicholas County has ever had in the National FFA Organization. Logan was paired with the best of the best from each state. Logan competed against students from Alaska to Hawaii and all those in between. Logan was named a National Semi-Finalist and among the top 16 in the Nation. Logan received a Silver Rating on the national level. Months of preparation went into participating in this event. Logan presented to several forums, discussed with professors and teachers, and sought feedback from every source possible. Logan is the son of Doug and Cassinda Bechanan and brother to Fielden.
While at National Convention, our students presented the Flag at the World’s Toughest rodeo during the National Anthem. Nicholas County students worked with students from Missouri to wave Old Glory at the beginning of the rodeo in front of thousands of spectators from around the world. The students that presented the flag were Bodie Taggett, Dustin Liver, Logan Bechanan, Shelby Farrow, and Morgan Waymire.
National Convention provided many opportunities to students. During the time at the convention, all colleges with an agriculture program from across the United States are set up to talk with students. Large agricultural companies are there to talk with students and recruit them for potential jobs. Companies include DOW Agrisciences, ADM, Monsanto, John Deere, Cargill, Carhartt to name a few. Students attended a career success tour that took them to Janseen Veterinary Clinic where they talked with a team of former FFA members that are now veterinarians. The students toured their facilities and gained first hand experience on operating a large scale clinic.
The Nicholas County advisors are Ashley Rogers and Cameron Earlywine.