Sharpsburg’s native son gets historic marker

An oil on canvas portrait painted by Seymore Stone of Maj. General Allen hangs in the Smithsonian American Art Musuem.
Most famous for his expedition into the Alaskan wilderness, Major General Henry Tureman Allen was a remarkable soldier with an astounding military career.
Henry Tureman Allen was born April 13, 1859, in Sharpsburg, Ky., the 13th child of fourteen born to Susan Shumate and Ruben Sanford Allen.
He married Dora Johnston July 12, 1887 with whom he had three children, Jeannette, Henry Tureman, Jr, and Doria.
The General also authored two books, My Rhineland Journal (1923) and The Rhineland Occupation (1927) about his time in Germany. A copy of each book has been donated to the Sharpsburg Library by Donald Curtis.
As part of Sharpsburg’s Bicentennial celebrations that have taken place throughout the year, a historic marker to commemorate Allen’s life was unveiled last Saturday afternoon in his hometown.
Sharpsburg mayor, Dorothy Clemons opened the well-attended ceremony and welcomed those who gathered in the town square to honor one of cities most distinguished citizens.
“I would like to start by saying how grateful I am for the committee members that worked so diligently to get the paper work and research completed in a timely manner for this event to go hand in hand with our Bicentennial celebration,”Clemons said. “We are thankful that Sharpsburg has made it for 200 years, and for that we should all give a hand. At this time, I would like to thank the group of people who made this dedication happen, Donald Curtis, James R. Lane, George Stone, Michael Stone and Teresa Shields. I would also like to thank Susan Boyd with Citizens Bank, State Rep. Sannie Overly and the City of Sharpsburg for their support letters. For the monetary donations I would like to thank, Don Curtis, George Stone Company, LLC, N.H. Stone, Inc., Donald Curtis, James R. Lane, and the City of Sharpsburg, without you this marker would not be possible,” Clemons said.
Boy Scout Troop No. 222 led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance, Rev. Bobby Wilson from Greater First Baptist Church led in prayer and gave the scripture. Rep. Sannie Overly, Bath County Judge Executive Bobby C. Rogers, Local historian George Stone, 2nd Lieutenant, Terence Clemons, Sergeant First Class, Chadwick Clemons, Sergeant Major James L. Jones and Colonel Jerry Oney gave their remarks during the ceremony.
General Allen’s great, great niece, Lucy Letton, was also among the guest to speak and said, “I know my Allen ancestors would be so honored by this dedication”.
Forty years after the death of General Allen, Heath Twichell Jr., wrote The Biography of an Army Officer. Twichell visited Sharpsburg and interviewed Allen family members in the early 1970s to research his book. Don Curtis has also donated a copy of Twichell’s Biography of Allen to the Sharpsburg Library branch.
Just behind the Sharpsburg City Hall, along Camp Street, historic marker #2509 will forever stand as a reminder of the remarkable military career of Sharpsburg’s native son.
The marker reads, Henry Tureman Allen Born in Sharpsburg on April 13, 1859, Allen attended Peeks Mill Military Academy and Georgetown College before graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1882. He was sent to the western frontier, where he led an expedition that mapped 1500 miles of Alaska wilderness and rivers in 1885. He served as an instructor at West Point from 1888-1890. Allen served briefly in the Spanish-American War in Cuba (1898) and was promoted to brigadier general in 1917. He commanded the 90th Cavalry Division in World War I and served as commander of the American occupation of Germany following the war. Promoted to major general in 1921, he retired three years later. Allen died on August 29, 1930, and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
Dedicated September 23, 2017

Marker committee members, Donald Curtis, James R. Lane, George Stone and Lucy Letton, in front of the historic marker that commemorates the life of Maj. General Henry Tureman Allen.

Colonel Jerry Oney spoke about the sacrifices and heartache of family on the home front. Photo by Lee Hawkins.