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Fleming craftsman member of Barnwood Builders

Fleming County native, Sherman Thompson, is a man of many talents.

Though he is not a, “public personality,” according to his own words, millions of Americans feel as if they know him because he is one of the stars of the increasingly popular TV show: ‘Barnwood Builders.’

Thompson, or simply Sherman, as he is still known, to his small circle of Fleming County friends he regularly visits, will soon begin filming his sixth season of the show, which features a crew of close-knit country craftsmen who disassemble and then reassemble ancient log structures while overcoming all sorts of engineering problems along the way.

The show has no script.

“The producers just put microphones on us and turn us loose,” Sherman said. “We use primitive techniques and tools, but we also use modern tools too. Believe me if Daniel Boone would have had a chain saw, he would have used it!”

Sherman is known among the cast and crew for his skills with hand tools and particularly a chain saw.

“I consider myself quite lucky,” he said recently as we relaxed in one of his favorite environments; the woods of Fleming County near where he was raised. “I’ve been fortunate to have worked with a lot of good people who have helped me gain experience. I started working at a sawmill, then I helped Junior Jackson as a carpenter. Junior Jackson and his son Joey are among the best carpenters, or really craftsmen around. They showed me a lot.”

About 25 years ago he and Johnny Jett finished a cabin for Johnny’s late brother Billy.

“Me and Johnny are close,” Sherman said. “We are as close as brothers and we’ve been around each other for so long now, and worked together that we pretty much know what each other is thinking. Johnny is a talented artist and he brings his artistry to everything. I don’t consider myself an artist, but I always try to challenge myself.”

Recently Sherman began challenging himself through forging and welding practices in which he is creating horseshoe art.

By taking horseshoes whole, or cutting them into sections, Sherman then forges and welds the pieces together to create flowers, stars and other shapes, usually attached to iron or steel stands.

“Wood is easier to work with especially if you are fixing a flaw, but I really enjoy working with horse shoes. I get a lot of pleasure out of creating flowers and crosses and wreaths with horseshoes. Making them relaxes me and I enjoy it.”

Sherman says he is able to enjoy everything in his life due to his wife Roma Andreuzzi Thompson, who he met ten years ago. Sherman, Roma and their daughters: Agostina and Felicia, spend as much time together as possible.

“I’ve been so lucky to have met Roma and to have her in my life and our girls.”

Sherman is a private individual.

“I’m very private. I’m a country boy from Fleming County. I will always be a country boy. I love being in the woods!”

When asked if Flemingsburg was too small to live in and he laughed and said, it was, “Too big for a country boy like him.”

Along with creating horse shoe art, Sherman makes corner cabinets in his spare time.

Sherman’s art and cabinets can be seen and purchased through Barnwood Living at 574 W. Main St.,, White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., 24901,, and you can find them on Facebook.

Be sure to watch Sherman, Johnny Jett and the rest of the crew on Barnwood Builders for their upcoming season.

If you would like to own one of master carpenters, Sherman Thompsons’, works of art including corner cabinets, you can find them at

Sherman is more than a cabin builder, he is an artist and enjoys creating works of art out of horseshoes.

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