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Nicholas County FFA heading to Nationals

Logan Bechanan won in prepared public speaking at the Kentucky FFA State Convention in June.

The Nicholas County FFA will be heading to National Convention this year with a different perspective. Logan Bechanan will be representing Nicholas County and the state of Kentucky at the 90th National FFA convention held in Indianapolis, Indiana on Oct. 24-27.

Logan Bechanan won Prepared Public Speaking at the Kentucky FFA State Convention in June. Logan competed against 24 other contestants for this honor. In the National FFA organization, only first place competitors have the honor to compete for a National Title.

The Prepared Public Speaking contest is set to be one of the most difficult speaking contests that FFA has to offer. Contestants must write and deliver a six to eight minute speech about a current agriculture-related topic. The speaking skills gained through this event help students excel in their school, community, and career.

Logan will compete at National Convention with 51 other contestants representing all states including the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. This is truly a life changing opportunity.

This win was not an easy task. He has prepared his speech since September of 2016. He had to write the 6 to 8-minute speech word for word and remember it as such. He will be scored on presentation, clarity, content, and a 10-minute question portion at the end of his speech. Throughout last year while preparing for the contest he was elected to serve as the Licking River Regional President, chapter FFA President, Governor’s Scholar, Washington Youth Leadership tour participant, National Council on Youth Leadership representative, district winner of the Farm Bureau Outstanding Youth Contest, and many other leadership roles. Logan has worked hard to earn this accomplishment while balancing many other honors.

Logan Bechanan is the son of Doug and Casssinda Bechanan and brother to Fielden. His FFA advisors are Ashley Rogers and Cameron Earlywine. Please wish Logan luck as he represents Kentucky as he competes for a National Title.

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