Canine Clips opens in Fleming County

Brook Anderson made her dreams of working with animals a realty with the opening of her grooming buisiness Canine Clips.
When you have a genuine soft-spot for fur babies and dream of a career where you work with animals all day, a pet grooming business could make the perfect solution.
Brook Anderson, who recently opened Canine Clips, at 7280 Morehead Road in Fleming County, was able to make her dreams of working with animals and opening her own business come true.
“I grew up on a horse farm, so I have always had a huge love for animals. The opportunity to open a pet grooming business allowed me to have a small business and do what I love”, Brook said. “I actually got started helping a wonderful family friend, Pam Anderson. Pam has been a groomer for over 40 years, and when she needed help bathing the bigger dogs she took me under her wing. My aunt Marty Hunter also nurtured my compassion for animals and she taught me the basics of caring for them. Aunt Marty told me about the Nash Academy in Lexington, a wonderful school where I studied and learned up to date safety precautions, styling and salon management and became certified”, Brook said.
Although she enjoys all aspects of her work, Brook said the best part is when she gets a thank you from her canine clients.
“I’d have to say the thing I love most about grooming is when I get a thank you from the dog.
When I untangle a matted coat, or free a nasty bur embedded in their side, they will turn their head and bury it in my hands and cover it with soft kisses. It’s a thank you that will melt your heart”, Brook said. “Plus working with dogs and their people, well, you’re bound to discover a few awesome personalities, and that keeps my work interesting”, she added.
Brook offers the basic services as well as a full groom at Canine Clips.
“Pet owner’s can choose between the basic or full groom service. Basic grooming would include a bath and brush-out, ear cleaning, teeth brushed and breath spray, nails clipped and filed. A full groom is all of that plus a full hair cut. I also offer a tidy, which is a bath and brush and light trim on the bum,legs,feet and under belly. A tick and flea bath are available as well. All services are by appointment only but I do offer walk-in nail trims”, Brook said.
Pet grooming services are available at Canine Clips Tuesdays and Thursday through Saturday.
For more information or to make an appointment for your fur baby, give Brook a call at 606-375-0511 or email at