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Kindergarten career readiness day

Hillsboro Elementary

The Fleming County Chamber of Commerce had the opportunity to organize and host a Career Readiness Day for several kindergarten classes in Fleming County Feb. 20. E.P. Ward, Ewing and Hillsboro students spent the day learning about careers in five different job areas, all of which were selected by the kindergarten classes.

Kentucky State Trooper Scott Ferrell, Fleming County Deputy Brittani Price and Flemingsburg Chief of Police Brian Bowling taught the law enforcement section. They educated the students on the importance of English to fill out reports and speak correctly while in court or dealing with witnesses. Physical Fitness was also on the priority list. Staying in shape is needed to chase criminals, but also to carry around their 30-pound belts filled with guns, ammunition, handcuffs, mace, gloves, tasers and more. That weight doesn’t include their bulletproof vest that is worn under their uniforms.

All children love firefighters so it was no surprise that the kindergarteners asked to visit some for Career Day. Raymond Pollitt, Jimmy Hunt, Matthew Pollitt, Colby McCloud, and several other Flemingsburg Volunteer Firefighters spend their morning sharing with the children about safety, community service and dedication. The students learned about the equipment firefighters wear and the trucks used to fight fires. Each child got to climb up and sit in the driver’s seat while learning how studying and reading were important.

The Fleming County Ambulance Service was one of the stops before lunch. Not only did the students learn about the need for math and science but also learned the difference between Paramedics and EMTs. Cathy Fearin, Amy Rudy, Jeff Maxey, along with Wayne, Penny and Mary made the kindergarteners day by letting them tour their facility and letting the children inside the ambulance to see the equipment.

Dr. Frankie Vice from the Fleming County Animal Hospital visited with the students to discuss his job in Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Vice stressed the importance of reading, stating that it took a minimum of 8 years after you graduated high school to become an “ Animal Doctor” and that biology, math, and a love of reading were vital to succeed in getting a DVM degree. Dr. Vice finished his time showing kidney stones he had removed from a dog and showing a display of a two-headed calf. Then the children asked lots of questions before he turned the stage over to our last career speaker of the day.

Dentistry was also a request of the students and Dr. Jill S. Price graciously volunteered to speak with the kindergarten classes. Although she talked about what she did as a dentist and how to practice good oral hygiene, she also shared her personal journey to becoming a dentist. She told the kids that she didn’t start out in college to become one and that she tried two other career paths before choosing dentistry. Dr. Price also told them to pick a job they loved and they would love it their whole life … just like she does.

Thank you to all our speakers. We would like to send a special Thank You to the Fleming County Extension Office for the use of your facility to serve lunch.

Ward Elementary

Ewing Elementary

Dr. Frankie Vice


Dr. Jill Price

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