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Graduates earn American Degrees

Some of those attending the celebration brought their FFA jackets and posed for a picture alongside Holly and Haley.

Haley Warner and Holly Segura, 2015 MCHS graduates, recently earned their American Degrees from the National FFA organization. Less than 5 percent of students earning their Green Hand Degree go on to earn their American Degree. Earning the American Degree, the highest FFA Degree, requires great dedication and commitment to the FFA principles.

Several family members and friends joined together to help them celebrate their achievement Sunday, Nov. 13, at the Oakley First Church of God Fellowship Hall.

Haley is currently attending Morehead State University pursuing degrees in Agriculture Education and Horticulture. She serves as an MSU Ag Ambassador and has an internship with the Department of Facilities Management.

Holly is currently attending Morehead State University pursing a degree in Business. She is employed by Southern States in Mt. Sterling.

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