Museum features knife making by Lake Kelly Jr.

Lake Kelly Jr. will be at the Fleming County Covered Bridge Museum Saturday, Nov. 19, from 2-4 p.m., to share some of the knives which he has made.
Lake became interested in making knives in 1986 when he made 12 apple wood handled knives for the Browning Orchard Apple Festival from Browning apple wood.
He has made knives from files, saw blades, wrought iron gates and a variety of metals including leaf springs. The handles are made from native Kentucky trees such as Osage orange trees, maple, oak, walnut and cherry wood. Some handles are made from antlers and bone. Lake makes the individual sheath for each knife from cowhide leather. Some of his knives are patterned after Colonial American life and the Dark Ages of the Viking era.
Lake also makes covers of leather for Kindles and cell phones and has made handbags for ladies and “possibles” bags for men.
Lake Jr. is the son of Martha Kelly and the late Lake Kelly. He has been an employee of Morehead State University for 15 years. He is married to Susan Pope and lives in Winchester.
Come in and see Lake’s knives and talk with him about the methods and materials that he uses.
Knives will be available for purchase. The museum is located on East Water Street, Flemingsburg and open Saturday noon-4 p.m. Admission is free.
A public parking lot is available across the street from the museum.

Some examples of the materials which Lake Jr. uses, to make his unique handles.