Nicholas County fourth grade spends night at 4-H camp

On Wednesday, Oct. 19, the Nicholas County fourth grade traveled to North Central 4-H Camp for their annual overnight Environmental Camp Field Trip. We were fortunate to take 85 students, multiple parents and teens, along with our fearless 4th grade teachers to experience camp!
While at Environmental Camp, students participate in multiple classes and workshops that align directly with the Kentucky Core Academic Standards.
This year some of the featured classes were:
History at the Log Cabin, taught by Nicholas County 4H Teens Nicholas Rathbone and Dakota White
Pond Study at the Lake where students learn about ecosystems and pollution in marine life
Science, taught by Nicholas County 4H Teens Cassidy Wells and Drew Davis, students got hands-on time with circuit boards, curved mirrors and may other stations in our new Physics Zoo
Bird Blind where they learn about adaptation, birds of prey and various beaks on birds in Kentucky; they also had the opportunity to visit the blind and observe birds in their natural habitat
Low Ropes Challenge Course, students worked together as a team of 30+ to overcome obstacles and problem solve
Kentucky Mammals- discussion and Q&A about mammals native to our state, students also had the opportunity to feel real pelts from multiple animals
Owl Pellets taught the kids about eating habits and digestion of owls. They were able to dissect pellets and take home what they found inside.
Alpacas and Sustainable Agriculture, River Hill Ranch traveled to Carlisle from Richmond to teach students about growing clothes!
In addition to the above mentioned classes, all present were also able to enjoy a program put on by the Kentucky Reptile Zoo. They also were able to go on a night hike where they looked for constellations, learned about rods and cones in the eyes and called for owls! In the midst of all of the education taking place, we made time for a huge campfire and to roast s’mores!
We want to take a minute to thank all of our fantastic volunteers (teens and adults) for making this experience possible; we want to thank our students for being on their best behavior and giving us an awesome two days; and we want to thank our TEACHERS for helping us plan and pull the whole thing off! This is a great experience for our Fourth Grade students, and one we hope to continue for years to come! Thank you for your support of the Nicholas County 4H program and for helping “Make the Best Better!”
Rachel Abney and Clay Stamm