Church youth plays in traffic…for a cause

Getting kids involved in church and sharing religion can be a challenge.
At Blue Licks Christian Church in Carlisle the kids took to the streets to share their faith.
The youth group trekked to the pedestrian overpass at Blue Licks Resort State Park that crosses Hwy. 68 armed with signs sharing their beliefs. Signs like “Honk 4 Jesus”,“Jesus Paid it All”and “God is Enough”.
The idea for the youth group activity came from parent Jennifer Cantrell. “It may be hard for us as adults to share our beliefs, but kids are so innocent anyway. So it’ s different if I, an adult walk with a sign, or if the kids are doing it. It seems to mean more to people from the kids, and after all, they are our future. It was a great experience taking part with them. The kids got more and more excited every time drivers going by honked. They even started chanting God’s not dead,” Cantrell said.
The youth group kids enjoyed taking part and shared what it meant to them.
Jacey Cantrell: “Jesus wants us all to know he loves us and he is here with us.”
Tucker Beaty: “It felt good to spread the word.”
Marlee Beaty: “It made me happy when people honked their horns.”
Syndey Brunner: “We were able to show God’ s love.”
Rebekah Burchell: “It as a great experience because I love sharing God’ s word with everyone. We all got really excited when the cars and trucks slowed down and honked their horns.”
Blue Licks Christian has been growing. They recently added an early service at 8:30 a.m. to go with its 11 a.m. service to ease overcrowding and the church is raising funds to build a new building nearby on land that was donated by members Ed and Brenda Day.
Blue Licks Christian Church is located at 10301 Maysville Road, Carlisle.
Church services are at 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday; Sunday night youth 5:30 p.m.; and Wednesday Small Group 7 p.m.
For more information check out Blue Licks Christian Church online and on Facebook.