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Nicholas County High School Band celebrates 20 years of excellence with fundraiser and reunion

When a group from a small town like Carlisle brings home a state championship title, it is certainly a momentous occasion. In November of 1996, the Nicholas County High School Marching Band did just that, bringing home their first KMEA Class A State Championship in Commonwealth Stadium of the University of Kentucky after placing 2nd in their class at the finals competition of the previous year. This accomplishment would start a long line of awards and accolades for the band program and music in Nicholas County.

The 1996 NCHS Marching Band was under the direction of now Bourbon County Band Director Eric Hale, with assistance from his sister, Debbie Hale, who later served as band director herself. The 1996 marching band was led by Lydia Wilson (Kohler), field commander for the year, who is now a French teacher at George Rogers Clark High School.

Following their finals appearance in 1995 and the championship in 1996, the band went on to make state finals appearances in 1997, 1998, 2000, 2006, and 2007, with two additional championships in 1997 and 2000.

In order to celebrate the 20-year reunion of this fantastic event and its tradition of excellence, the NCHS Band needs your help. On Sept. 23 at 5:30-7 p.m., all former members of the 1996 Marching Band or the NCHS Band in general, supporters of the NCHS Band, or just supporters of music education are invited to partake in a chili supper and reunion in the Nicholas County Elementary School Cafeteria preceding that night’s homecoming football game. Meals will be $6 and will include a bowl of chili, a sandwich, a drink, and a dessert. All proceeds will benefit the NCHS Band Program.

Members of the 1995 and 1996 NCHS Marching Bands will be recognized at a special ceremony at that night’s football game, and are encouraged to bring any band memorabilia they would like to share with their former classmates. If there is a good turnout and the event is well-received, the program hopes to make this an annual happening.

Any questions about this event may be forwarded to. Elizabeth McCord, band alumna, or. Katie Safa, NCHS band director, both at NCHS.

All are invited out to celebrate and remember this accomplishment in the life of our community and support the Nicholas County High School Marching Band in their future endeavors.

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