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Memories of Ewing School

Delores Throckmorton Lowry

“I went to Ewing School from 1955 to 1963.

My favorite teacher was Helen Donovan, she was not only a great teacher, but she loved kids and she was gorgeous! And an influence for all young girls

Ms. Ruth was the most colorful!!

I hated the food at Ewing School so I spent 7th and 8th grades in the lunchroom at recess with Mrs. Craig staring at my food because I wouldn't eat it’

My favorite thing was the merry-go-round and playing softball behind the school

The bathroom was always nasty and I still have nightmares about it!

Mrs Cannon kept journals on the funny things kids said in 1st grade I would love to read them

I remember the sonic booms that shook the windows and fall out drills.

Lloyd Graves would call the square dances at the fall festivals and everyone had a lot of fun.

One time my sister Carolyn won a puppy for a prize. Everybody in town came to the festivals.

My best friend throughout grade school and high school was Freda (Pettit) Mineer.

I know some of my thoughts may seem too negative, but sometimes it's the hard times you remember most”.

Abigail Hamilton was a Ewing Elementary student for six years and will graduate from Fleming County High School in 2017.

“I can remember every spring fling, class party and field trip I experienced.

Ewing was the best days of my life and I know I'm not the only Ewing graduate who feels this way.

My favorite thing about Ewing was the close bond we all had with each other and still have now.

Ewing was our safe place we all had something in common and no one cared where you came from who you where and what kind of clothes you had on your back.

The staff and teachers at Ewing where the best, I believe I have had in all of the years I have attended school. They taught me everything I know from what 2 + 2 is to many other life skills.

I can remember every teacher I had and how each and everyone of them not only shaped my life but also the many lives of everyone who stepped in that building.

But the teachers at Ewing didn't just care about test scores,They cared about who you where as a person and would work with you on any struggle you had.

Everyone had potential and the staff there saw that.

Everyone in my graduating class from Ewing talks about wanting to go back and reminisce on the good ole days and having a "Ewing reunion " where we would all get back together go through the old school and just be together one last time.

I can remember in kindergarten learning how to read and write in Mrs Jill Bradley's room.

I remember many hours of studying my spelling words for Mrs. Wallingford in 2nd grade.

I remember everyone loving reading time and getting to take turns with who got to sit in Mrs Throckmorton's blue tub.

I remember learning how to finally write in cursive because Mrs Applegate felt like everyone should know how and it was a valuable lesson.

I can remember the excitement of going to Mrs Kahlor's room where you not only had a loving teacher but also teacher who did many fun cooky science projects.

I also remember the hard long class days in Mrs Schwartz room where we learned the basics of algebra and geometry.i remember our class never being split up and always having a student teacher and helping them earn their degree and find their spot at Ewing.

Not only do I remember every single one of these things in fine detail but I am thankful for every experience they have given me.

I wouldn't be a great student in algebra and excel in math if it wasn't for Mrs Schwartz, wouldn't have found my passion for reading if it wasn't for Mrs Bradley and Mrs. Throckmorton.

I might not have even learned that I love science and will one day like to become a doctor.

But most of all, I may have never become the person I am today if it wasn't for the strong willed women and men who taught me to find my passion and do whatever I want because we were taught we could be anything we wanted to be.

When people ask me if I could go back to anytime at life this is where I would go’

I would venture my ways back down the halls of Ewing elementary just to be able to live it one last time.

Everyone who has experienced a time at Ewing will understand what I am talking about.

We may not have had the best school in town or the nicest books but we did have the best teachers and staff and I can tell you everyone felt this way”.

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