4-H Shooting Sports goes to District 4

Hannah Kelly, Crecie Kelly, Ashley Hunt and Alexis Darnall.
Four members of the Fleming County 4-H Shooting Sports Club went to the District 4 shoot in Mercer County June 25.
Hannah Kelly won first place in the 9-11 age group for Air Pistol.
Alexis Darnall placed in second in the 12-14 age group for Air Pistol and Crecie Kelly placed in third in the 12-14 age group for Air Pistol.
Ashley Hunt also participated in Air Pistol in the 12-14 age group and Hannah Kelly participated in .22 Sport Rifle.
Everyone shot very well and had lots of fun. Check out Fleming County 4-H on Facebook for activities and projects at https://www.facebook.com/flemingcounty4h
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