Students receive new beds through Build a Bed program

Several young Nicholas County students are getting a better nights sleep thanks to the Morehead State University Corps Build a Bed Program. The programs mission is to increase the educational success of high-risk school-age youth by providing reading or math tutoring and other coordinated direct services, which includes the bed program. Along with the beds, the program provides students with bedding, a hygiene kit, night-light or alarm clock and stuffed animal.
Each year the BABP provides beds for students in 30 Kentucky counties. This year the program has made it possible for 12 Nicholas County students to have a better place to sleep.
“Many of these kids have been sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags or on couches,” Family Resource Youth Service Coordinator, Paula Hunter said.
The needs for proper sleeping accommodations were especially high in Nicholas County this year.
Forty families applied but only twelve beds were granted by the organization, so two retired dentists decided to lend a helping hand.
Dr. Bob Sparks and Dr. Leon Riggs have stepped up to build 18 additional beds to fulfill the needs that remain and have nine of beds finished so far.
“We will finish the other nine beds once we clear out the once we have already made”, Dr. Sparks said.
The beds that Riggs and Sparks have made will not include the mattresses or bedding so they are asking for help with those two necessities.
If anyone would like to donate funds, mattresses or bedding, contact FRYSC coordinator Paula Hunter at the Nicholas County Elementary School for details.
Hunter also administers the Nicholas County Backpack program that provides healthy snacks on the weekends to schoolchildren who might otherwise go hungry. The Backpack program is also funded completely on the generosity of the community.
The Carlisle Rotary Club is hosting a benefit concert Friday, April 22 at 6 p.m. at the Elementary School to raise funds for the Backpack program. The program is serving 130 Nicholas County students this year, up from 120 the previous year. Tickets for the concert are $6 at the door or $5 in advance.
Every child deserves to have a nice comfortable bed and the mission of the Build A Bed Program is to help provide that need.