Nicholas County students perform with Young at Heart Big Band

Nicholas County students joined The Young at Heart Big Band from Lexington for a fundraiding event for the historical society. If you missed this event join them again April 22 at the elementary school.
The Young at Heart Big Band from Lexington returned for a repeat performance at the Neal Welcome center and delighted a crowd once again with their music and jokes earlier this month.
The event was a fundraiser for the Carlisle-Nicholas County Historical Society.
The Young at Heart Big Band is a non-profit group that purchases instruments for needy students with the money they raise. None of the 20 band members are paid.
The average age of the band is 80 with their oldest member being 96.
Many of the members have been playing the big band standards together for years.
This visit to the Neal Building was made even more special when the band leader invited Nicholas county high school students who were at the concert to join them. Trumpet players Caleb Lewis, Samantha Payne, and Shawn Quinn all got to perform.
The band leader commented that the Neal Building is one of their favorite places to play.
They perform about 35 concerts a year throughout Central Kentucky and take six weeks off in summer to rest up for the next season.
Young at Heart has been performing since 1980 throughout central Kentucky to preserve and introduce new listeners to the joy and uniqueness of classic swing-era big-band music.
If you missed the Young at Heart Concert, you have another chance to enjoy some great music at another fundraising event Friday April 22 at the Nicholas County Elementary School.
The program will feature a number of popular groups such as The Robersons, Saxophonist Jerry Galbraith, Elvad Clark and his band, The Mike King Band, gospel and country singer Dean Weddle.
Brother Steve Smith said the April concert would be an enjoyable event to attend.
“One of my favorite performers, Norma Heiner, would be worth the ticket price alone,” Smith said as he passed out flyers during the Ministerial Association monthly meeting.
All proceeds go to help support the Backpack Program which sends healthy snacks home with children who might otherwise go hungry.
The concert starts at 6 p.m. and tickets are $5 for advanced sales or $6 at the door.