Sew, Sew Shop offering hottest trends

Monogrammed merchandise is all the rage these days.
Everything from shoes to backpacks can be found sporting embroidered initials.
Students in the Family and Consumer Sciences Class at Bath County High School have taken the opportunity to create a small business to take advantage of today’s hottest trend.
Vice president of the FCCLA’s Finance, Emily Murphy, is a senior at BCHS and helps run the Sew, Sew Shop.
Murphy said the shop got it’s start several years ago after students saw a demonstration for an embroidery machine.
“An employee from Continental Sewing came to our school in the spring of 1999 and demonstrated the embroidery machine. We fell in love with the machine and it just took off from there,” Murphy said.
Since its inception the Sew, Sew Shop has gone through several machines and new equipment has been added.
“From the time the shop first started we have had four different embroidery machines and in the fall of 2014 we got our Scan n Cut heat press which is used to make car decals and vinyl heat press on shirts and other things,” Murphy said.
Murphy who helps operate the shop worked began her hands on training when she was a sophomore.
“I have been working in the shop for three years, I started my training my sophomore year and am now in my senior year. I enjoy working in the shop most days, but sometimes it can get very stressful when you have the holiday rush and dealing with customer complaints,”she said.
Murphy said since the four students who work in the shop will graduate this year and they are in the process of training new students to carry on as shop keepers.
“Currently we have four people in the shop working on the items we stock. We are in the process of training more students for next year as the four of us graduate this year. The Sew, Sew Shop is a great opportunity for FCCLA members to gain entrepreneurship skills,” she said.
Although the shop is the busiest during the holidays it continues to do well in the spring.
“Around the holidays we get a big rush and have multiple orders to fill and then it begins to slow down in the spring but we still have orders just not as busy. The money we make from the sell of our merchandise is used to pay for various FCCLA activities. I would say the hot item of spring is our monogram shirts that we make with the heat press,” Murphy said.
From tote bags, purses, hats and scarves to backpacks and wallets, the Sew, Sew Shop at Bath County High School has plenty of merchandise that would make great gifts.