Iwo Jima Commemoriative M1 display
The newest exhibit at the Franklin Sousley Museum at Camp Sousley is a Springfield Armory Iwo Jima Commemorative M1 Garand Semi-Automatic...

Celebrating Sharpsburg’s Bicentennial “A Time Remembered”
Chapter Two Winter was the time when places such as stores owned by Will Sharp and My Uncle Ollie Knight were heated by the proverbial...

Liquid feed offers farmers another option
Hazel’s cows are happy healthy and growing every day thanks to her liquid feed. Photo by Amber Dawn Hodge. Local farmers take pride in...

Celebrating Sharpsburg’s Bicentennial “A Time Remembered”
Chapter 3 Saturday nights in Sharpsburg were something special. Even before noon country people from the farms would come to town in...

Mixing up some memories
Tina Wells Staton, right, and her sister Nancye Wells Maze love to prepare old fashioned home-cooked meals, here they are shown with a...

Halloween mischief in a small town
I have been very fortunate to have met a vast array of people who connect with the stories I write. It seems somehow, someone will...

Owingsville Lions Club Horse Show
Spectators enjoy watching the various horse show classes during the Owingsville Lions Club held last weekend. This year’s event also...

Celebrating Sharpsburg's Bicentennial “A Time Remembered”
Downtown Sharpsburg 1910 One of Sharpsburg’s prominent families in the 19th and 20th centuries was the Knight Family. Two brothers were...

Mayor Gary Hunt announces T.A.P. Grant Funding for Owingsville
I was informed recently that Owingsville has received a TAP (Transportation Alternative Program) grant in the amount of $34,000. I had...